The Sayyid Al-Sharif Alawi Mawlid
by Sayyid Al-Sharif Shamsuddin Alhusaini Almadani

بسم الله والصلاة والسلام على سيدنا محمد رسول الله وعلى آل البيت أهل الله
Divine Salam Greetings and Blessings be upon God's Mercy to the worlds, our Master Muhammad, the last Messenger of Allah, and upon his Ahlul-Bayt, the magnificent ever-shining stars, the Imams of Divine Guidance - Imam Ali the Murtada, Sayyida Fatima Az-zahra, Imam Hasan the Mujtaba and Imam Husain the Muqtada. I now begin reciting the Madani Alawi Mawlid, a brief chronicle of the blessed birth and biography of the Sage Lion of God, Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib, alaihis-salam, after seeking his permission, with certain faith in his generosity and kindness.
In the beginning of time, Allah Almighty chose Muhammad as His Messenger, and chose Ali to be His Messenger's Deputy.
It was the Divine Decree that the original Muhammadi Light before creation of heaven split into two holy lights, one became Muhammad and the other became Ali.
Later, on earth, angels brought the good news of the birth of Muhammad, and Muhammad brought the good news of the birth of Ali. The perfect man, Ali, came from the most noble family in the world.
He is Ali, son of Abu Talib son of Abdul-Muttalib son of Hashim son of Abdu-Manaf son of Qusai son of Kilab son of Murrah son of Ka'b son of Lu'ay son of Ghalib son of Fihr (Quraish) son of Malik son of An-Nadr son of Kinanah son of Khuzayma son of Mudrikah son of Elyas son of Mudar son of Nizar son of Ma'add son of Adan, from the descendants of Prophet Ismail son of Prophet Ibrahim, alaihim assalam.
الَّلهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلى سَيِّدِنا مُحَمَّدٍ وَعلى مَوْلانا الإمامِ عَليِّ المُرْتَضى
Allahumma salli 'ala sayyidina Muhammadin, wa
'ala mawlanal-imam Ali Al-Murtada
Ali's mother was Fatima, daughter of Asad son of Hashim son of Abdu-Manaf, going up to the same blessed lineage of his father, Abu Talib, Allah be pleased with them all. Abu Talib and Fatima fostered the young Muhammad as their son when he was eight years old, after he lost his grandfather, Abdul-Muttalib, Allah be pleased with him.
Abu Talib and Fatima loved Muhammad more than their own children. Muhammad grew up in their blessed and virtuous household, and he returned the favour throughout his blessed life. When he was thirty years of age, Fatima bint Asad had three sons -Talib, Ageel and Ja'far - and two daughters, Jumanah and Fakhitah (Um Hani) - before getting pregnant with Ali. She was then in her late thirties. She felt some kind of holy inspiration guiding her through this pregnancy.
On Friday 13" of Rajab, 30 years after the Elephant Year, Fatima bint Asad, was visiting the Holy Kaaba, and as she was making supplications to Allah, she felt labour pains. Fatima held herself against the wall of the Holy Kaaba, near the Yamani Corner, supplicating to Allah Almighty for help, until suddenly the wall cracked itself open, and she entered the Kaaba from the crack, and then the wall closed and no one else could enter.
There, inside the Holy House of God, attended by angels and souls of high saints, the youngest son of Abu Talib was born. Fatima bint Asad has delivered the magnificent Ali, a beautiful healthy boy with an exceptionally brilliant face.
Marhaban, marhaban, ya noora 'ayni مَرْحَباً مَرْحَباً يا نُورَ عَيْني
Marhaban, marhaban, aabal-Hasanayni
Marhaban, marhaban, bil-imami Ali
Marhaban, marhaban, ya Habeeba-llahi
Welcome! Great many welcomes, Lion of God
We and all the whole world are overjoyed by your blessed arrival
Welcome, leader and Imam of all the believers
Welcome, Deputy of the Messenger of Allah
Many Salawat Blessings be upon you
Welcome, splendid husband of the Crown of the universe, Sayyida Fatima, daughter of the Messenger of Allah
Marhaban, marhaban, ya noora 'ayni مَرْحَباً مَرْحَباً يا نُورَ عَيْني
Marhaban, marhaban, aabal- lasanayni
Welcome, welcome, ya Amirul-mo'mineen, Master of the Faithful
Welcome, welcome, O dispeller of darkness!
Welcome, master of eloquence and intelligence
Welcome, welcome, most just Caliph
Welcome, O father of the great Imam Mahdi
Welcome, O master of Divine Knowledge
Marhaban, marhaban, ya noora 'ayni مَرْحَباً مَرْحَباً يا نُورَ عَيْني
Marhaban, marhaban, aabal-Hasanayni
We are extremely happy you are here You have enlightened the world
We are grateful to Allah He brought you here
O Allah, send abundant Salawat Blessings and Salam Greetings upon our Imam, Moulana Ali, and upon his noble household!
الَّلهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلى سَيِّدِنا مُحَمَّدٍ.. وَعلى مَوْلانا الإمامِ عَليِّ المُرْتَضى.. وَعَلى سَيِّدَتِنا فاطِمَةٍ الزَّهْراءِ.. وعلى الحَسَنَينِ القَمَرَيْنِ الكَرِيمَيْنِ.. وَبارِكْ وسَلِّمْ تَسْلِيماً
The high heavens, with all their angels and heavenly beings, were looking, with joy and happiness at the Holy Kaaba. Inside this Holy House, the baby Ali and his mother Fatima stayed for three continuous days. When they came out, Sayyiduna Muhammad was waiting outside. Muhammad was the first one to see and receive Ali.
She told Muhammad that her baby did not have any milk yet! At this point, Sayyiduna Muhammad put his own blessed tongue into the mouth of Ali and the baby started getting sweet milk.
His mother named the baby Haidara, Fierce Lion, but Sayyiduna Muhammad told her to name him 'Ali, Noble and High.
Marhaban, marhaban, ya noora 'ayni مَرْحَباً مَرْحَباً يا نُورَ عَيْني
Marhaban, marhaban, ya noora 'ayni مَرْحَباً مَرْحَباً يا نُورَ عَيْني
Since his birth, every glory thymed with his name 'Ali'
As Allah blessed Abdullah and Aminah to bear Muhammad, Allah blessed Abu Talib and Fatima bint Asad to bear Ali
Sayyiduna Muhammad told Fatima bint Asad to show special care for Ali
In the heart of the noble Bani Hashim clan, this handsome boy grew up to become most noble Ali
Sayyiduna Muhammad was forty years old when he first received Holy Revelation. He was met with full acceptance by Lady Khadija and the ten-year-old Ali
Intelligent, wise, courageous, selfless, generous, thoughtful, eloquent, strong and daring was Ali
With accepting the holy message, the holy journey of excellence has begun for Ali
As Prophet Muhammad preached the Oneness of God, his main and closest disciple was Ali
As hostility grew against Islam, Sayyiduna Muhammad was preparing his young Heir, Ali
While the faithful companions were being Divinely trained through suffering and torment, all Divine knowledge was pouring into Ali
Allahumma salli 'ala sayyidina Muhammadin, wa
'ala mawlanal-imam Ali Al-Murtada
When Allah revealed "and warn your closest clan" (Surat Al-Shuara), the holy Messenger gathered all men of Bani Abdul-Muttalib, and asked, "Who of you can support me in this matter and I promise he will be my brother, minister and heir after me?",
", the only one who stood up and accepted was young Ali
The Holy Messenger said to Ali, "You are truly my minister, my brother, and heir / wasi"
So did Prophet Muhammad proclaim, after the Farewell Hajj, that every believer should take Ali as their Master/ Wali
The Holy Messenger knew well that the leading Lion of Islam was going to be Ali
In the decisive Battle of Badr, the one who defeated the commanders of Quraish was the twenty-two-year-old Ali. In this battle, the hero who killed thirty-five enemy warriors on his own was Ali
A few months later, the Holy Messenger did not find equal as husband to his daughter, Lady Fatima, except his wise, noble cousin, Ali
A year later, Fatima and Ali fruited the first Muhammadi Flower, Al-Hasan, so Abul-Hasan became the nickname of Ali
A year later, they fruited the second Muhammadi Flower, Al-Husain, and hence, Abul-Hasanain was Ali
Allahumma salli 'ala sayyidina Muhammadin, wa
'ala mawlanal-imam Ali Al-Murtada, wa'ala sayyida Fatima Az-zahra, wa' ala sayyidina-l
Hasan wa sayyidina-l Husain
After his valour in Badr, Battle of Uhud confirmed the supremacy of Ali
When all swords and arrows were flying at the Holy Messenger Muhammad, the daring cavalier who sheltered him was Ali
At the end of the Battle of Uhud, sixteen serious wounds were found on the body of Ali
A day later, despite all his wounds, to the Battle of Hamra Al-Asad rushed Ali
Six months later, in the Battle of Bani An-nadeer against disloyal Jews south of Madinah, the Prophet's holy Banner was given to Ali
Every year, several combats took place, defending the Holy Prophet and the cause of Allah - the one who never missed any of them was Ali
In Khandaq, known as Ahzab, the fiercest and strongest of infidel knights, feared by everyone, was easily defeated by Ali
In the Battles of Bani Quraida and Khaybar against the traitorous Jews, the Prophet's holy Banner was given again to Ali
At Khaybar, the giant Jewish cavalier, Marhab, could not be defeated except by Ali
There, many fortresses and citadels were conquered by the rising hero, Ali
In the Battle of Hunain, when Muslims started to flee a fierce fight, only ten men stood firm around the holy Messenger - and in their forefront was Ali
Soon, the commander of the enemy's army was swiftly killed by Ali
And God's victory came by means of Ali
Allahumma salli 'ala sayyidina Muhammadin, wa
'ala mawlanal-imam Ali Al-Murtada
At the decisive Hudaibiya Truce, the writer of this significant Pact was Ali
The enemy demanded to have the words "Messenger of Allah" erased from the Truce Pact, but no, "by Allah I will not erase it", said the Truce writer, Ali
At the Conquest of Makkah, thousands of believers who joined the Campaign witnessed the fruits of the loyalty and heroism of Ali
As the Holy Prophet left on the Campaign of Tabuk, where no fighting took place, the one he left as governor of Madinah was Ali
A year later, at the Farewell Pilgrimage, Allah commanded the Holy Messenger to reveal the exceptional status that Allah gave to Ali
On return from Makkah, the Holy Messenger stopped the Caravan of Hajj at Ghadir Khom, and declared to all: "your Mawla Master is Ali"
"I am leaving you soon, returning to my Lord", the Holy Prophet declared, "and I am leaving behind for you my Heir/ Wasi Ali"
In Madinah, the Holy Messenger completed the magnificence and spiritual perfection of Ali
He gave Ali all secrets of the universe, and all the Divine knowledge became inscribed in the heart and soul of Ali
Since then, Ali shone as the Spring of Divine knowledge; thus, the flow of Divine Light always came from Ali
Many ill-hearted people became jealous, and for lust of authority and money they declared hate for Ali
They tried to degrade him, to finish him, and to finish his blessed progeny, but to no avail, for unique is Ali and ubique is Ali
His enemies vanished in the forgotten pages of history, but forever lived Ali; forever lives Ali
Allahumma salli 'ala sayyidina Muhammadin, wa
'ala mawlanal-imam Ali Al-Murtada
يا إمامَنا عَلِيْ.. شَيءْ لله.. شَيءْ لله
ya imamanaa Ali - shay' lillaah grant us madad for the sake of Allah, madad for the sake of Allah
Source: Sage Lion of God Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib concise encyclopaedia by Hazrat Shaykh Sayyid Dr. Al-Sharif Shamduddin Alhusain (damat barakatuhum)